
Tip: R&D Testable Hypothesis

When claiming expenses as a core activity for the R&D Tax Incentive, AusIndustry requires businesses to show examples of their experimental work. Demonstrating that the work follows the scientific method (another requirement for the R&D Tax Incentive) starts with a testable hypothesis. What is a testable hypothesis? This is a question some businesses find difficult … Continue reading Tip: R&D Testable Hypothesis

Posted in R&D

We’re all R&D scientists!

It’s National Science Week! Celebrating science and technology, National Science Week brings awareness and inspiration to a wide audience from children to the young at heart. Whilst many events are held by schools, universities and museums, science and technology can be found all around us in businesses and activities of all kinds. So, what is “science”? … Continue reading We’re all R&D scientists!

Posted in R&D

NSW-Israel Research & Technological Innovation Program

The NSW Government has launched a NSW-Israel joint Research & Development (R&D) program, where businesses based in NSW, partnering with an Israeli business will have access to grants of up to $250,000 to cover R&D expenses. The grant is intended to provide 50% of a project’s costs, where the other 50% will need to be … Continue reading NSW-Israel Research & Technological Innovation Program